Friday, August 1, 2008

The Pink Link

Yesterday I stepped in Shopper's Stop outlet ( ya I was shopping again :D) and I noticed the Aerosmith song floating..."Pink........ " while I was actually looking at a pretty pink top. And suddenly I was enlightened... wish I could see the spark in my eyes while I was actually amused at the relevance of the lyrics which sounded so weird I heard it the first time long time ago. Well pink is for gals and blue is for boys ( the gender color code). Since time immemorial I doted on blue and ended up buying all the blue shades from my wardrobe to pencil boxes and coffee mugs. For unknown reasons i never bought or owned anything pink. Wasn't ever keen at it. I wasn't a tomboy. But no barbie or baby pinks for me.
This year pink peeped in and seeped in around me silently. My asthetic senses increased after exams and I redecorated my room. Only to realise that I bought pink curtains, pink bedsheets, pillow covers and even pink doormat. I walk in sony store to buy a laptop and its sony viao I decide upon and the only model at the shop that time is Luxury pink and I end up buying it.So whats the relevance of jotting it down? worthless peice of information may be. I don't care . Pink stands for beauty, grace and goodness .There is a whole lot it represents.From gender to wisdom.

Though the song got the idea boiling to write about it .... but it evaporated . Three months back I bought a hibiscus plant .Though mum insisted on buying the one which had already flowered( wise thing to do), but i bought a healthier looking one with no display of the secret color it would flower to. So........this morning it flowered and Aerosmith echoed in my head.....

"Pink it´s my new obsession Pink it´s not even a question
...........Pink gets me high as a kite. And I think everything is going to be all right"

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