Thursday, January 26, 2012

Butterfly doodle

                        (Medium: Black ink and colored pens )

(She dozed away all tired and torn
Life was not at all roses,
For her too many thorns....)

She dreamt of a strange  butterfly
A splash of green and a pinch of sky..

As it fluttered  those shadowy wings
She thought it symbolised sad things...

 But then she noticed the lively red and soaring blue...

(Suddenly she  woke up rubbing her eyes
Chanting involuntarily without a clue)

“No matter how hard it gets there is always
A way through....”



  1. But then she noticed the lively red and soaring blue...
    (Suddenly she woke up rubbing her eyes
    Chanting involuntarily without a clue)
    “No matter how hard it gets there is always
    A way through.... Wonderful words and Magical doodle.

    Loved the blog, wud be returning soon for more :)

    I doodle in free tym using MS PAINT, wud love to know yer views on it.

  2. There you are!Your butterfly is very colorful and your poem just fanned the fire! let your butterfly fly really high :)


Would love to have your comments/suggestions....