Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Golden shower tree....

Memories are a wonderful way of keeping track of our lives... may be all the movies that grossed on the concept of amnesia ...(Fifty first dates was a sweet!!! one.... momento was an interesting backwards 
watch for me... You , me and Hum.. well leave it.... Sadma was so heart breaking that I never gathered the heart to watch it again) may enlighten us how important memories are. Perhaps how keenly 
we capture moments of our lives through the camera speaks how much we want to preserve and relive the happy moments even if it's through a flat image... 

All old people narrate the olden golden days with a precious toothless smile.... you might mock them in younger days or get flustered by the repetition.... but some memories lighten up and brighten up our days .... far far ahead in time... sometimes silently... almost like a dream.... 

I just bumped into a memory unexpectedly and was amazed how silently it stayed in my memory cells and still can make me happy.... 

The past few days I have been walking down the memory lane and it's been a sudden opening of secret doors in long forgotten past.... when perhaps memory itself was developing.... 

I have a great liking for flowering trees... gulmohars mesmerize me ... but golden shower trees exhilarate me...those yellow exceptional flowers strike a cord in my head every time but I could never sort clearly if it was a memory or a dream... I remember a walk through a road studded by trees on a long lost evening.... I remember I was tiny but I walked with confident steps... I remember being accompanied by an elder ... but I could never identify that person... but I remember walking a long distance and we stop at a tree and I look up and its studded with yellow flowers ... like a bunch of grapes ... so beautiful and the sparse green bringing out the yellow more profoundly... it was like a zillion suns dangling down one odd tree...I did not think of this frequently but like the neurons randomly ignite some old links ... it did flash a few times.... mostly I thought it was some dream I may have seen.... but everytime it occured to me I couldn't fail to see that it was the most memorable walk of my life... specially cos a bunch of those sunny mesmerising flowers were lovingly picked and handed over to me .... as the road got darker I was the happiest ,most amazed child walking back home.....with a prized possession of shining yellow bunch of flowers... 

I thought it was a dream for a long long time... but a few days back as I looked upon a golden shower tree from my balcony and the thoughts flooded me again ... more clearer then ever and overwhelmed by that lovely memory I just told my mother about the memory and why I have such great affection for 
a golden shower tree.... My mother said smiling that it may not be a dream cos .. when I was three there was such a road near my home that lead to a guest house .... it was starkly beautiful and 
hardly had any traffic.... and she said probably that elder who accompanied me was her uncle.....I was amazed how a memory can stick and make me happy over and over again... it was hard to believe that I retained a memory when I was just three. 

But what I felt glad about that even though life has shown me unkind times ... I have managed to retain memories like this mesmerising walk and the happiness that was imbibed in that bunch of flowers...reinforced a faith that a single good memory is like a thousand splendid suns that can burn all those unpleasant memories that stick to the mind like leeches just paralysing you from enjoying the present...... 

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