Thursday, November 10, 2011

A prayer...

Dear God, 

Kindle hope in my heart ... 
gimme strength to see all the dreams crumble 
and turn to dust.... 
but bless me with more dreams .... 

let me learn not to regret... for whatever decisions 
I make.... 

let me embrace life as it comes.... 

let me slow down and be free of what the world 
might think of me.... 

or how lonely or silent things may become ... cos 
I decided to quit .... 

let me understand that quitting is not always a 
sign of weakness.. 

let me experience all the good I can do even 
with all the broken tools... 

let me understand that those who love me will 
love me no matter what and those who change 
according to my success and failures 
are not worth a thought.... 

let me feel the gratitude for all your blessings 
without feeling the fear of losing them... 

let me find ways in the darkest of times... 

help me stand on my feet again... 

I know it will be a slow change and the suffering 
would not end just now ... right now....even miracles 
take time to reveal themselves... 

but help me learn to like myself even when I falter... 
when I fail to be what I ought to be... 

But let me believe most of all that you are there 
with me in every decision I make ... even the most crazy ones... 

let me believe that when I say 'I am on my own' you 
are there as an integral part of 'me'.... 

let me understand I am human and help me 
stay 'human'.... 

let me imbibe the positivity you have scattered around me 
like a sponge... let me soak it up to the core that there 
is no space left for the opposite charge ... for negative 
feelings and pessimism.... so that even when the hard times 
squeeze me out... all I exude is positivity.... 

let me find joy in raindrops and sunshine and not 
be bothered about what others have achieved ... 
save me from jealousy.... let me find sweetness in 
whatever you have blessed me with.... let me shun 

let my eyes see good in every event.... 

At this moment dear lord let me understand ... 
calling quits is a not a weakness and life will 
show me new ways to find meaning and purpose... 
let me believe that you are an integral part of me 
when I make this decision..... 



Would love to have your comments/suggestions....